Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks to help light a fire under your butt.

Salina Iavarone Salina Iavarone

Don’t Follow Your Passion, Do This Instead

It’s a phrase we hear all the time. If you want to live a fulfilling life, just follow your passion! Don’t know what you want to be when you grow up? Follow your passion! On the surface this sounds like fantastic advice. Wise, even. But here’s my beef-

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Salina Iavarone Salina Iavarone


Studies have shown that the secret to a great relationship is how we respond to each other. And particularly how we respond to *good* news. In fact, how we respond to another’s good news is actually a very strong predictor of the happiness and longevity of the relationship.

Don’t believe me?

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Salina Iavarone Salina Iavarone


The other night I found myself shoulding all over myself. Ever do that? I had a very long day in front of the computer (nothing, and I mean NOTHING drains me more than that) and I just couldn’t ONE MORE THING. I was sooooo tired, my brain was fried, and my body was screaming for rest. But in my head, it sounded like this- I really should go take a walk. Isn’t that what healthy people do after they’ve been at a desk all day? Isn’t sitting the new smoking or some crap like that? Ugh. Now that I think about it, why can’t I just make myself walk every day? Maybe if I did, I would finally hit my goal weight. I should really be better at this. I should cook healthier too. Maybe I just don’t want it bad enough? I should want it more. Gosh I suck at this. Fun, right?!

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Salina Iavarone Salina Iavarone


As functioning members of society, most of us know what words are “bad words” and when not to say them. It starts when we are very young, and we are told that words like “stupid” or “shut up” are bad words and the list continues to grow and evolve over time both in creativity and number until it reaches the pinnacle of all bad words- the F-bomb.

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