You ready to finally live your freakin’ life?

Transparent, honest, and no b.s. support.

Positive Psychology is the study of human flourishing. It explores areas such as happiness, well-being, optimism, gratitude, and personal growth among many others.

Coaching is coming alongside you to help you tap into your own innate wisdom that enables you to grow and move forward; helping you go from where you are now, to where you want to be.  

Putting those two together is magic

My Core Values


Freedom means something different for all of us, and you get to own that meaning. Here’s what it means for me-  having permission to be all of who you are and encouragement to not shy away from standing in your full humanity.


When your values match your thoughts, feelings, and actions, you are living in integrity. It means showing up well and speaking the truth. It means knowing and asking for what you need in any given moment. It is living empowered to be your full, uncensored self without apology.


I am a force for validation. Your feelings are real and understood.  Our time together will be nothing short of transformational if you are willing to be seen and heard, and we will walk through your journey together.

  • What to expect:

    You are the expert of your own life, so you direct our time together. Each session you get to choose what you’d like to focus on or where you’d like to see more growth and together we will explore the possibilities.

  • What to expect:

    I will ask you challenging questions and offer science backed and well-proven tips, interventions, and insights that will help you move toward the best version of yourself.

  • What to expect:

    Coaching sessions are typically 1 hour long and meet bi-weekly via Zoom. To find out more or to see if we’re a good fit, schedule a free 15-minute consultation call here.

What’s the difference between coaching and therapy?

Coaching can often feel therapeutic and even cathartic, so it’s easy to confuse the two. The best way to illustrate the difference is this:

Think of therapy as prescription medication. It’s prescribed by a doctor to help heal you when you’re sick or ailing. It’s reactive. It helps you get from sick, to not-sick.  But being not-sick doesn’t necessarily mean you’re well.

Coaching is like taking a vitamin. It’s proactive. You take them preventatively when you’re not sick per se, but maybe you’re not feeling your best. Taking a vitamin strengthens and fortifies you which helps you avoid illness and live a fuller life.

Like a vitamin, coaching helps move you from not-sick to wellness. 

“I’m grateful to Salina for helping me get a handle on some mental clutter that was weighing me down. She helped me clarify why I need to take control of this and helped me create a plan that is giving me the time and capacity to pursue things that matter most to me.”

— R.

Shut up & let’s do this.